Jonas Niklasson

Showing 5 publications


Scattering of SH waves by isolated cracks using a hybrid approach

Gert Persson, Jonas Niklasson, Håkan Wirdelius
Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on NDE in Relation to Structural Integrity for Nuclear and Pressuised Components
Paper in proceeding

Ultrasonic simulation of immersion pulse-echo situation and experimental validations

Håkan Wirdelius, Jonas Niklasson
Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on NDE in Relation to Structural Integrity for Nuclear and Pressuised Components
Paper in proceeding

Benchmarking - a validation of UTDefect

Jonas Niklasson, Håkan Wirdelius, Anders E Boström
SKI report 2006:30
Magazine article

Antiplane shear waves from a piezoelectric strip actuator: exact versus effective boundary condition solutions

Bixing Zhang, Anders E Boström, Jonas Niklasson
Smart Materials and Structures. Vol. 13, p. 161-168
Journal article

Scattering of elastic waves by a rectangular crack in a thick-walled anisotropic solid

Anders E Boström, Thomas Grahn, Jonas Niklasson
Review of progress in Nondestructive Evaluation. Vol. 22A, p. 64-70
Paper in proceeding

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