Joel Lindkvist

Showing 8 publications


Simulating moving cavities in superconducting circuits

Stefano Bosco, Joel Lindkvist, Göran Johansson
Physical Review A. Vol. 100 (2)
Journal article

Motion and gravity effects in the precision of quantum clocks

Joel Lindkvist, C. Sabín, Göran Johansson et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 5
Journal article

Scattering of coherent pulses on a two-level system-single-photon generation

Joel Lindkvist, Göran Johansson
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 16
Journal article

Twin paradox with macroscopic clocks in superconducting circuits

Joel Lindkvist, C. Sabin, I. Fuentes et al
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. Vol. 90 (5), p. Art. no. 052113-
Journal article

Microwave quantum optics with an artificial atom in one-dimensional open space

Io Chun Hoi, Christopher Wilson, Göran Johansson et al
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 15, p. Article Number: 025011 -
Journal article

Scattering of coherent states on a single artificial atom

B. Peropadre, Joel Lindkvist, Io Chun Hoi et al
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 15, p. Article Number: 035009-
Journal article

Generation of Nonclassical Microwave States Using an Artificial Atom in 1D Open Space

Io Chun Hoi, Tauno Palomaki, Joel Lindkvist et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 108 (26), p. art no. 263601-
Journal article

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