Joey Frey

Doctoral Student at Quantum Technology PhD Students

Joey researches hybrid material systems utilizing piezoelectricity in quantum systems. The goal is to create useful quantum acoustical hardware that can improve or perform some of the steps in quantum computer. Quantum acoustics is a promising platform which can interact with many other systems and where compact devices with high Q-factors can be fabricated.

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Showing 3 publications


Design of a release-free piezo-optomechanical quantum transducer

Paul Burger, Joey Frey, Johan Kolvik et al
APL Photonics. Vol. 10 (1)
Journal article

Clamped and sideband-resolved silicon optomechanical crystals

Johan Kolvik, Paul Burger, Joey Frey et al
Optica. Vol. 10 (7), p. 913-916
Journal article

Criteria for deterministic single-photon emission in two-dimensional atomic crystals

Joshua Thompson, Samuel Brem, Hanlin Fang et al
Physical Review Materials. Vol. 4 (8)
Journal article

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