Johan Nordlander

Showing 4 publications


A timing model for specifying multi clock automotive systems: The timing augmented description language V2

M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, A. Goknil, J. Deantoni et al
Proceedings - 2012 IEEE 17th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, ICECCS 2012, Paris;18 July 2012 through20 July 2012 (Article number 06299218), p. 230-239
Paper in proceeding

A Compositional Framework for End-to-End Path Delay Calculation of Automotive Systems under Different Path Semantics

Nico Feiertag, Kai Richter, Johan Nordlander et al
Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time System Symposium − Workshop on Compositional Theory and Technology for Real-Time Embedded Systems, Barcelona, Spain, November 30, 2008
Paper in proceeding

Reactive Objects and Functional Programming

Johan Nordlander
Doctoral thesis

Omelett : a language for reactive programming

Johan Nordlander
Licentiate thesis

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