Viktor Jonsson

Showing 14 publications


Tissue-specific transcriptional imprinting and heterogeneity in human innate lymphoid cells revealed by full-length single-cell RNA-sequencing

Luca Mazzurana, Paulo Czarnewski, Viktor Jonsson et al
Cell Research. Vol. 31 (5), p. 554-568
Journal article

Mitochondrial dysfunction in adult midbrain dopamine neurons triggers an early immune response

Roberta Filograna, Seungmin Lee, Katarína Tiklová et al
PLoS Genetics. Vol. 17 (9)
Journal article

Industrial wastewater treatment plant enriches antibiotic resistance genes and alters the structure of microbial communities

Johan Bengtsson Palme, Milena Milakovic, Helena Švecová et al
Water Research. Vol. 162, p. 437-445
Journal article

Modelling of zero-inflation improves inference of metagenomic gene count data

Viktor Jonsson, Tobias Österlund, Olle Nerman et al
Statistical Methods in Medical Research. Vol. 28 (12), p. 3712-3728
Journal article

Mumame: A software tool for quantifying gene-specific point-mutations in shotgun metagenomic data

Shruthi Magesh, Viktor Jonsson, Johan Bengtsson Palme
Metabarcoding and Metagenomics. Vol. 3
Journal article

Computational and Statistical Considerations in the Analysis of Metagenomic Data

Fredrik Boulund, Mariana Buongermino Pereira, Viktor Jonsson et al
Metagenomics: Perspectives, Methods, and Applications, p. 81-102
Book chapter

Comparison of normalization methods for the analysis of metagenomic gene abundance data

Mariana Buongermino Pereira, Mikael Wallroth, Viktor Jonsson et al
BMC Genomics. Vol. 19 (1)
Journal article

HirBin: High-resolution identification of differentially abundant functions in metagenomes

Tobias Österlund, Viktor Jonsson, Erik Kristiansson
BMC Genomics. Vol. 18 (1)
Journal article

Untreated urban waste contaminates Indian river sediments with resistance genes to last resort antibiotics

Nachiket Marathe, C. Pal, Swapnil S. Gaikwad et al
Water Research. Vol. 124, p. 388-397
Journal article

Variability in Metagenomic Count Data and Its Influence on the Identification of Differentially Abundant Genes.

Viktor Jonsson, Tobias Österlund, Olle Nerman et al
Journal of Computational Biology. Vol. 24 (4), p. 311-326
Journal article

Statistical evaluation of methods for identification of differentially abundant genes in comparative metagenomics

Viktor Jonsson, Tobias Österlund, Olle Nerman et al
BMC Genomics. Vol. 17 (1)
Journal article

Strategies to improve usability and preserve accuracy in biological sequence databases

Johan Bengtsson Palme, Fredrik Boulund, Robert Edström et al
Proteomics. Vol. 16 (18), p. 2454-2460
Journal article

Statistical analysis of metagenomic data

Viktor Jonsson
Licentiate thesis

An analytical solution for finding voids and bottlenecks within macromolecules

Fredrik Boulund, Viktor Jonsson, Erik Sterner et al
3DSig 2009: The 5th Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biophysics Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 27-28 June 2009, p. 77-78
Conference poster

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