Josefin Borgede

Showing 1 publications


Propulsion Installation Modelling for geared Ultra-high bypass ratio engine cycle design

Josefin Andersson, Tomas Grönstedt, Huadong Yao
Other conference contribution

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Showing 1 research projects


Installed adVAnced Nacelle uHbr Optimisation and Evaluation (IVANHOE)

Huadong Yao Fluid Dynamics
Xiaojian Li Fluid Dynamics
Olivier Petit Fluid Dynamics
Jacqueline Plette Chalmers, Research support
Omar Fares Fluid Dynamics
Josefin Andersson Fluid Dynamics
Tomas Grönstedt Fluid Dynamics
Xin Zhao Fluid Dynamics
European Commission (EC)

6 publications exist
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