Hanna Hedström

Showing 6 publications


Solubility of Radium and Strontium Sulfate across the Temperature Range of 0 to 300℃

Paul Brown, Christian Ekberg, Henrik Ramebäck et al
Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology 2014, p. 553-563
Paper in proceeding

A study of the Arrhenius behavior of the co-precipitation of radium, barium and strontium sulfate

Hanna Hedström, Henrik Ramebäck, Christian Ekberg
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 298 (2), p. 847-852
Journal article

Characterization of Radium Sulphate

Hanna Hedström, I. Persson, Gunnar Skarnemark et al
Journal of Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 2013
Journal article

Radon capture with silver exchanged zeolites

Hanna Hedström, Mark Foreman, Christian Ekberg et al
Radiochimica Acta. Vol. 100 (6), p. 395-399
Journal article

Radium and Barium Co-precipitation A Pre-study

Hanna Hedström
Licentiate thesis

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Showing 1 research projects


Ra/Ba co-precipitation

Christian Ekberg Nuclear Chemistry
Henrik Ramebäck Nuclear Chemistry
Hanna Hedström Nuclear Chemistry
The Swedish Radiation Safety authority (SSM)

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