Björn Neo Esbjörnsson Elgh

Showing 10 publications


Evolution of the Polymorph Selectivity of Titania Formation under Acidic and Low-Temperature Conditions

Gunnar Örn Simonarson, Sanna Sommer, Antiope Lotsari et al
ACS Omega. Vol. 4 (3), p. 5750-5757
Journal article

Formation of titanium dioxide core-shell microcapsules through a binary-phase spray technique

Jonatan Bergek, Björn Neo Esbjörnsson Elgh, Anders Palmqvist et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 19 (35), p. 23878-23886
Journal article

A facile low-temperature synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles with excellent polymorph control

Björn Neo Esbjörnsson Elgh, Anders Palmqvist
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. Vol. 76 (2), p. 395-401
Journal article

Controlling anatase and rutile polymorph selectivity during low-temperature synthesis of mesoporous TiO2 films

Björn Neo Esbjörnsson Elgh, Anders Palmqvist
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Vol. 2 (9), p. 3024-3030
Journal article

Controlling morphology, mesoporosity, crystallinity, and photocatalytic activity of ordered mesoporous TiO2 films prepared at low temperature

Björn Neo Esbjörnsson Elgh, Ning Yuan, H. S. Cho et al
APL Materials. Vol. 2 (11), p. Art. no. 113313-
Journal article

Rapid Synthesis of Porous, Mixed Phase Titania Films with Tailored Orientation of Rutile for Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance

R. Su, M. Christensen, Y. B. Shen et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 117 (51), p. 27039-27046
Journal article

Correlating Photocatalytic Performance with Microstructure of Mesoporous Titania Influenced by Employed Synthesis Conditions

Björn Neo Esbjörnsson Elgh, Ning Yuan, H. S. Cho et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 117 (32), p. 16492-16499
Journal article

How the Anatase-to-Rutile Ratio Influences the Photoreactivity of TiO2

R. Su, R. Bechstein, L. So et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 115 (49), p. 24287-24292
Journal article

Admicellar polymerization of methyl methacrylate on aluminum pigments

Philip Karlsson, Björn Neo Esbjörnsson Elgh, Krister Holmberg
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Vol. 337 (2), p. 364-368
Journal article

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