Katia Rodriguez

Showing 6 publications


Carbon Nanofibers Synthesized from Electrospun Cellulose for Advanced Materials Applications

Olga Naboka, Katia Rodriguez, Farshad Toomadj et al
Materials Science Forum. Vol. 730-732, p. 903-908
Paper in proceeding

Electrospinning cellulosic nanofibers for biomedical applications: structure and in vitro biocompatibility

Katia Rodriguez, Paul Gatenholm, S. Renneckar
Cellulose. Vol. 19 (5), p. 1583-1598
Journal article

Superhydrophobic behaviour of plasma modified electrospun cellulose nanofiber-coated microfibers

Anna Thorvaldsson, Petra Edvinsson, Alexandra Glantz et al
Cellulose. Vol. 19 (5), p. 1743-1748
Journal article

Strain Sensitivity of Carbon Nanotubes Modified Cellulose

Farshad Toomadj, Sadia Farjana, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
Procedia Engineering: 25th Eurosensors Conference; Athens; Greece; 4 September 2011 through 7 September 2011. Vol. 25, p. 1353-1356
Paper in proceeding

Sensing application of nanocellulose modified with double-walled carbon nanotube and graphitized carbon nanopowder

Farshad Toomadj, Sadia Farjana, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
Proceedings of the 22n Micromechanics and Microsystems Technology Europe Workshop, 19-22 June 2011, Tönsberg, Norway, p. B33-
Paper in proceeding

Nanofibrous Carbon Materials with Controlled Properties Synthesized from Electrospun Cellulose

Olga Naboka, Katia Rodriguez, Farshad Toomadj et al
Novel materials from wood or cellulose, Annual meeting of IAWS, August 31 to September 2, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 28-29
Paper in proceeding

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