Tomas Karlsson
Tomas worked as a PhD in Entrepreneurship at Jönköping International Business School 2005; Visiting Scholar Stanford 2002; University of Alberta, 2003; Wilfrid Laurier University, 2006; Queensland University of Technology, 2007. He worked as a lecturer at Lund University in 2009.
His primary research interests are new venture creation processes, entrepreneurial education and institutional theory.

Showing 17 publications
Entrepreneurship Education: Team Composition in Known Worlds and New Frontiers
Capturing action from within: the use of personal diaries
Initial Networking Processes of Student Entrepreneurs: The Role of Action and Evaluation
Revisiting the influence of institutional forces on the written business plan: a replication study
Beyond Red Tape and Fools: Institutional Theory in Entrepreneurship Research, 1992–2014
Beyond red tape and fools:Institutional theory in entrepreneruship research 1992-2014
Entrepreneurs' motivation: Goal striving among entrepreneurs in the new venture creation process
The evoluation of Lund University's entrepreneurial ecosystem from 1980 to 2012
The evolution of Lund University's entrepreneurial ecosystem from 1980 to 2012
Strategies for creating new venture legitimacy
Strategies for Creating Nascent Venture Legitimacy
The Blessing of Necessity and Advantages of Newness
Institutional forces and the written business plan
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Showing 2 research projects
Scandinavian Growth Creators 2