Anton Bengtsson

Showing 7 publications


Visualization of β-carotene and starch granules in plant cells using CARS and SHG microscopy

Christian Brackmann, Anton Bengtsson, Marie Alminger et al
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. Vol. 42 (4), p. 586-592
Journal article

Effects of thermal processing on the in vitro bioaccessibility and microstructure of beta-carotene in orange-fleshed sweet potato

Anton Bengtsson, Christian Brackmann, Annika Enejder et al
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Vol. 58 (20), p. 11090-11096
Journal article

In vitro bioaccessibility of beta-carotene from heat-processed orange-fleshed sweet potato

Anton Bengtsson, Marie Alminger, Ulf Svanberg
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Vol. 57 (20), p. 9693-9698
Journal article

Impaired uptake of beta-carotene by Caco-2 human intestinal cells in the presence of iron

Anton Bengtsson, Nathalie Scheers, Thomas Andlid et al
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. Vol. 60 (S5), p. 125-135
Journal article

Effects of various traditional processing methods on the all-trans-beta-carotene content of orange-fleshed sweet potato

Anton Bengtsson, Agnes Namutebi, Marie Alminger et al
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. Vol. 21, p. 134-143
Journal article

Provitamin A Carotenoids in Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato

Anton Bengtsson
Licentiate thesis

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