Maria Millingen

Showing 8 publications


Effect of cholesterol depletion on the pore dilation of TRPV1

Erik Jansson, Carolina Trkulja, Aikeremu Ahemaiti et al
Molecular Pain. Vol. 9 (1)
Journal article

Microfluidic Flow Cell for Sequential Digestion of Immobilized Proteoliposomes

Erik Jansson, Carolina Trkulja, Jessica Olofsson et al
Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 84 (13), p. 5582-5588
Journal article

On-chip fabrication to add temperature control to a microfluidic solution exchange system

Helen Bridle, Maria Millingen, Aldo Jesorka
Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology. Vol. 8 (3), p. 480-483
Journal article

Ligand-specific temperature-dependent shifts in EC50 values for the GABA(A) receptor

Maria Millingen, Helen Bridle, Aldo Jesorka et al
Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 80 (1), p. 340-343
Journal article

A biohybrid dynamic random access memory

J. Sinclair, D. Granfeldt, Johan Pihl et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 128 (15), p. 5109-5113
Journal article

Controlling desensitized states in ligand-receptor interaction studies with cyclic scanning patch-clamp Protocols

D. Granfeldt, J. Sinclair, Maria Millingen et al
Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 78 (23), p. 7947-7953
Journal article

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