Kent Davidsson

Showing 22 publications


Influence of Bed Material, Additives, and Operational Conditions on Alkali Metal and Tar Concentrations in Fluidized Bed Gasification of Biomass

M. Pushp, Dan Gall, Kent Davidsson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 32 (6), p. 6797-6806
Journal article

Influence of Surrounding Conditions and Fuel Size on the Gasification Rate of Biomass Char in a Fluidized Bed

Louise Lundberg, Placid Tchoffor Atongka, David Pallarès et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 144, p. 323-333
Journal article

Sulfur recirculation for increased electricity production in Waste-to-Energy plants

S. Andersson, E. W. Blomqvist, L. Bafver et al
Waste Management. Vol. 34 (1), p. 67-78
Journal article

Transforming and Release of Potassium, Chlorine, and Sulfur from Wheat Straw under Conditions Relevant for Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification

Placid Tchoffor Atongka, Henrik Thunman, Kent Davidsson
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 27 (12), p. 7510-7520
Journal article

Co-firing of shredder light fraction with waste and sewage sludge.

M. Gyllenhammar, Kent Davidsson, Torbjörn Jonsson
Swedish-Finnish Flame Days 2011
Other conference contribution

Fate of Alkali Metals and Phosphorus of Rapeseed Cake in Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Part 1: Cocombustion with Wood

Patrycja Piotrowska, Anita Pettersson, Kent Davidsson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 24 (1), p. 333-345
Journal article

Sewage sludge as a deposit inhibitor when co-fired with high potassium fuels

Anna-Lena Elled, Kent Davidsson, Lars-Erik Åmand
Biomass and Bioenergy. Vol. 34 (11), p. 1546-1554
Journal article

Sewage sludge as additive to reduce the initial fireside corrosion caused by combustion of shredder residues in a waste-fired BFB boiler.

Torbjörn Jonsson, Jesper Pettersson, Kent Davidsson et al
9th Liège Conference on Materials for Advanced Power Engineering.
Paper in proceeding

The use of sewage sludge as additive to avoid operational problems at combustion of shredder residues.

M. Gyllenhammar, Torbjörn Jonsson, Kent Davidsson
2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Waste to Wealth&6th International Conference on Combustion, Incineration/Pyrolysis and Emission Control
Other conference contribution

Fate of Alkali Metals and Phosphorous of Rapeseed Cake in Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Part 2: Cocombustion with Coal

Patrycja Piotrowska, Maria Zevenhoven, Kent Davidsson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 24 (8), p. 4193-4205
Paper in proceeding

Fate of phosphorus during co-combustion of rapeseed cake with wood

Patrycja Piotrowska, Maria Zevenhoven, Mikko Hupa et al
20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion; Xian; China; 18 May 2009 through 21 May 2009. Vol. 2, p. 979-986
Paper in proceeding

Properties of Particles in the Fly Ash of a Biofuel-Fired Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) Boiler

Linda S. Johansson, Bo G Leckner, C. Tullin et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 22 (5), p. 3015-3015
Journal article

Fate of Alkali Metals during Co-Combustion of Biodiesel Residues with Coal in a Semi-Industrial CFB Boiler

Patrycja Derda, Maria Zevenhoven, Mikko Hupa et al
9th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, CFB 2008, in Conjunction with the 4th International VGB Workshop on Operating Experience with Fluidized Bed Firing Systems; Hamburg; Germany; 13 May 2008 through 16 May 2008
Paper in proceeding

Countermeasures against alkali-related problems during combustion of biomass in a circulating fluidized bed boiler

Kent Davidsson, Lars-Erik Åmand, Britt-Marie Steenari et al
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 63, p. 5314-5329
Journal article

Potassium, chlorine, and sulfur in ash, particles, deposits, and corrosion during wood combustion in a circulating fluidized-bed boiler

Kent Davidsson, Lars-Erik Åmand, Bo G Leckner et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 21 (1), p. 71-81
Journal article

Effect of Cofiring Coal and Biofuel with Sewage Sludge on Alkali

Kent Davidsson, Lars-Erik Åmand, Anna-Lena Elled et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 21, p. 3180-3188
Journal article

Ramprogram – Åtgärder för samtidig minimering av alkalirelaterade driftproblem, Etapp 2

S. Herstad-Svärd, M. Gyllenhammar, Kent Davidsson et al

Kaolin Addition during Biomass Combustion in a 35 MW

Kent Davidsson, Britt-Marie Steenari, David Eskilsson
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 21, p. 1959-1966
Journal article

Co-firing of biomass and other wastes in fluidized bed systems

Ibrahim Gulyurtlu, six names, Bo G Leckner et al
19th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion
Paper in proceeding

Gas Phase Alkali Chlorides and Deposits during Co-Combustion of Coal and Biomass

Håkan Kassman, Christer Andersson, Jan Högberg et al
Proccedings 19th FBC Conference from May 21 -May 24 2006 in Vienna/AUSTRIA. Vol. 2
Paper in proceeding

Cesium as a tracer for alkali processes in a circulating fluidized bed reactor

Maria Svane, Magnus Hagström, Kent Davidsson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 20 (3), p. 979-985
Journal article

Separation of drying and devolatilization during conversion of solid fuels

Henrik Thunman, Kent Davidsson, Bo G Leckner
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 137, p. 242-250
Journal article

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