Kent Davidsson
Showing 22 publications
Sulfur recirculation for increased electricity production in Waste-to-Energy plants
Co-firing of shredder light fraction with waste and sewage sludge.
Sewage sludge as a deposit inhibitor when co-fired with high potassium fuels
Fate of phosphorus during co-combustion of rapeseed cake with wood
Properties of Particles in the Fly Ash of a Biofuel-Fired Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) Boiler
Effect of Cofiring Coal and Biofuel with Sewage Sludge on Alkali
Ramprogram – Åtgärder för samtidig minimering av alkalirelaterade driftproblem, Etapp 2
Kaolin Addition during Biomass Combustion in a 35 MW
Co-firing of biomass and other wastes in fluidized bed systems
Gas Phase Alkali Chlorides and Deposits during Co-Combustion of Coal and Biomass
Cesium as a tracer for alkali processes in a circulating fluidized bed reactor
Separation of drying and devolatilization during conversion of solid fuels
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