Martin Olausson
Showing 8 publications
Turbomachinery Aeroacoustic Calculations using Nonlinear Methods
Aeroacoustics and Performance Modeling of a Counter-Rotating Propfan
Absorbing Inlet Boundary Analysis of Rotor Wake/Stator Time Domain Computations
Rotor Wake/Stator Broadband Noise Calculations Using Hybrid RANS/LES and Chorochronic Buffer Zones
An Absorbing Inlet Buffer Layer for Rotor Wake/Stator Time Domain Computations
Turbomachinery Aeroacoustic Calculations using a Time Domain Chorochronic Method
Nonlinear Rotor Wake/Stator Interaction Computations
Evaluation of Nonlinear Rotor Wake/Stator Interaction by using Time Domain Chorochronic Solver
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