Kristian Larsson
Showing 21 publications
Coulomb Dissociation experiment of 27P
Hydrometallurgical technology for recovery of metals from spent car NiMH batteries
Thermonuclear reaction S-30(p,gamma)Cl-31 studied via Coulomb breakup of Cl-31
Exclusive measurements of nuclear breakup reactions of 17Ne
Dissolution and characterization of HEV NiMH batteries
The structure of plutonium(IV) oxide as hydrolysed clusters in aqueous suspensions
One-neutron knockout from Sc51-55
Selective Dissolution of Electrode Materials from NiMH Batteries
One-neutron knockout from light neutron-rich nuclei at relativistic energies
One-neutron knockout from Ne24-28 isotopes
Structure of 55Ti from relativistic one-neutron knockout
DR-FTIR method for the study of early hydration of cement
Crystal structure and proton conductivity of BaZr0.9Sc0
Probing the single particle structure around Ca-54 with one-neutron knock-out
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