Khashayar Kazemzadeh

Showing 7 publications


How COVID-19 transformed the landscape of transportation research: an integrative scoping review and roadmap for future research

Milad Haghani, Rico Merkert, Ali Behnood et al
Transportation Letters. Vol. 16 (1), p. 43-88
Review article

The effect of shared e-scooter programs on modal shift: Evidence from Sweden

Khashayar Kazemzadeh, Frances Sprei
Sustainable Cities and Society. Vol. 101
Journal article

Electric scooter safety: An integrative review of evidence from transport and medical research domains

Khashayar Kazemzadeh, Milad Haghani, Frances Sprei
Sustainable Cities and Society. Vol. 89
Review article

Trends in electric vehicles research

Milad Haghani, Frances Sprei, Khashayar Kazemzadeh et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 123
Journal article

Integration of charging behavior into infrastructure planning and management of electric vehicles: A systematic review and framework

Priyadarshan Patil, Khashayar Kazemzadeh, Prateek Bansal
Sustainable Cities and Society. Vol. 88
Review article

Towards an electric scooter level of service: A review and framework

Khashayar Kazemzadeh, Frances Sprei
Travel Behaviour and Society. Vol. 29, p. 149-164
Journal article

Electric bike level of service: A review and research agenda

Khashayar Kazemzadeh, Prateek Bansal
Sustainable Cities and Society. Vol. 75
Review article

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Showing 1 research projects


MicroITS - Computational models for a safe integration of micromobility in the transport system

Marco Dozza Crash Analysis and Prevention
Pontus Wallgren Design & Human Factors
Bengt J H Jacobson Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Frances Sprei Physical Resource Theory
Giulio Bianchi Piccinini Crash Analysis and Prevention
Khashayar Kazemzadeh Physical Resource Theory 2
Erik Ström Communication, Antennas and Optical Networks
Jonas Sjöberg Mechatronics
Fredrik Bruzelius Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems

3 publications exist
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