Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman
Showing 21 publications
Promoting the adoption of digital technology: Strategic policy insights from a network effects model
The globalization and stagnation of the ICT sectors in European countries: An input-output analysis
European Broadband Spending: Implications of Input-Output Analysis and Opportunity Costs
Does broadband speed really matter as a driver of economic growth? Investigating OECD countries
On the weightless economy: Evaluating ICT sectors in the European, Asian and African regions
Will Telecommunications Development Improve the Quality of Life in African Countries?
An assessment of Mobile Broadband Access in Indonesia: a Demand or Supply Problem?
How important is the media and content sector in the European economy?
The Economic Impact of IPTV Deployment in the European Countries: An Input-Output Approach
Digital divide in ASEAN countries: Explaining the gap
PANS in the Swedish cellular industry: How bright will it be?
Is the European Broadband Public Spending a Sensible Project?
Competition in the Swedish Cellular Industry: Nobody Cares about Older People
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