Krister Larsson

Showing 8 publications


What kinds of three-dimensional nets are possible with tris-chelated metal complexes as building blocks?

Lars Öhrström, Krister Larsson
Dalton Transactions. Vol. 4 (3), p. 347-353
Journal article

Cobalt 2,2 '-biimidazole complexes co-crystallised with di-acids - synthesis, structure and quantum chemical calculations

Krister Larsson, Lars Öhrström
Crystengcomm. Vol. 6, p. 354-359
Journal article

A (10,3)-b net by sulfate hydrogen-bonded biimidazolate complexes

Krister Larsson, Lars Öhrström
Crystengcomm. Vol. 5, p. 222-225
Journal article

Chirality in Crystal Engineering

Krister Larsson
Doctoral thesis

Crucial influence of solvent and chirality - The formation of helices and three-dimensional nets by hydrogen-bonded biimidazolate complexes

Lars Öhrström, Krister Larsson, Stefan Borg et al
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 7 (22), p. 4805-4810
Journal article

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