Johan Kolvik
I began my university studies with a Bachelor's degree in Engineering Physics and a Master's degree in Physics at Chalmers University of Technology. My thesis work was conducted in collaboration with Associate Professor Witlef Wieczorec, where I studied optomechanics with III-V micromembranes. In September 2021 I joined the Quantum Photonics Laboratory in the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience at Chalmers. My research is part of the joint quantum computing initiative at MC2, where I develop electro-optical links for quantum networks. My primary research interest is noise characteristics in silicon-based optomechanical crystals at millikelvin temperatures.

Showing 2 publications
Design of a release-free piezo-optomechanical quantum transducer
Clamped and sideband-resolved silicon optomechanical crystals
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