Lennart Bångens

Showing 15 publications


Power struggles: Advances and roadblocks of solar powered mini grids in Tanzania

Hans-Erik Edsand, Lennart Bångens
Energy Reports. Vol. 11, p. 342-354
Journal article

Benefits and challenges to productive use of off-grid rural electrification: The case of mini-hydropower in Bulongwa-Tanzania

Joseph M. Ngowi, Lennart Bångens, Erik Ahlgren
Energy for Sustainable Development. Vol. 53, p. 97-103
Journal article

Grass: from local pastures to global energy markets in eastern Tanzania

Gunilla Almered Olsson, Lennart Bångens
Ecology and power : struggles over land and material resources in the past, present, and future / edited by Alf Hornborg, Brett Clark and Kenneth Hermele, p. 206-216
Book chapter

Transforming the Energy System--the Evolution of the German Technological System for Solar Cells

Staffan Jacobsson, Björn Sandén, Lennart Bångens
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. Vol. 16 (1), p. 3-9
Journal article

Clusters of Competence: Forming successful Alliances between University - Industry in East Africa

Lennart Bångens
In Innovation Systems and Innovative Clusters, Regional Conference, Feb 18-20, Bagamoyo, Tanzania
Other conference contribution

Major Observations, Lessons and Recommendations

Burton Mwamila, Bitrina Diyamett, Abraham Temu et al
In Innovation Systems and Innovative Clusters Regional Conference, Feb 18-20, Bagamoyo, Tanzania
Other conference contribution

The role of University - Industry Linkages in Industrial Development: The case of Tanzania

Lennart Bångens
Proceedings from the 4th Triple Helix conference in Copenhagen, Nov 6-9
Other conference contribution

The Structures and Processes of Learning

Lennart Bångens, Luis Araujo
Journal of Business Research. Vol. 55 (7), p. 571-581
Journal article

Development of Technological Capability in South African Industry: An Industrial Network Approach

Lennart Bångens, Jens Laage-Hellman
Proceedings of the 18th IMP Conference, Dijon, September 5-7.
Paper in proceeding

The Structures and Processes of Learning

Lennart Bångens, Luis Araujo
In McLoughlin, D. and Horan, C. (eds) Proceedings of the 15th Annual IMP Conference, University College Dublin, September
Paper in proceeding

Coordinating, Combining, Connecting - The impact of governance form

Lennart Bångens, Anna Dubois, Lars-Erik Gadde
In Mazet, F., Salle, R. and Valla, J-P. (eds) Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Industrial Marketing and Purchasing, Groupe ESC Lyon, September
Paper in proceeding

The Division of Labour is not Limited by the Extent of the Market - A new perspective on the need for activity co-ordination

Lennart Bångens, Anna Dubois
Proceedings of the 11th IMP-Conference, UMIST, Manchester
Paper in proceeding

Technology and Emerging Networks in Third World Industrialization

Lennart Bångens
Paper presented at the 8th IMP Conference, IRE, Lyon, September
Paper in proceeding

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