Lilian Forsgren

Showing 10 publications


Water-assisted melt processing of cellulose biocomposites with poly(ε-caprolactone) or poly(ethylene-acrylic acid) for the production of carton screw caps

Abhijit Venkatesh, Lilian Forsgren, Angelica Avella et al
Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Vol. 139 (6)
Journal article

Water-assisted extrusion and injection moulding of composites with surface-grafted cellulose nanocrystals – An upscaling study

Lilian Forsgren, Abhijit Venkatesh, Florian Rigoulet et al
Composites Part B: Engineering. Vol. 208
Journal article

The thermo-oxidative durability of polyethylene reinforced with wood-based fibres

Lilian Forsgren, Ezgi Ceren Boz Noyan, Alberto Vega et al
Polymer Degradation and Stability. Vol. 181
Journal article

Injection Molding and Appearance of Cellulose-Reinforced Composites

Lilian Forsgren, Johan C Berglund, Johannes Thunberg et al
Polymer Engineering and Science. Vol. 60 (1), p. 5-12
Journal article

Composites with surface-grafted cellulose nanocrystals (CNC)

Lilian Forsgren, Karin Sjövold, Abhijit Venkatesh et al
Journal of Materials Science. Vol. 54 (4), p. 3009-3022
Journal article

Composites with surface-grafted cellulose nanocrystals (CNC)

Lilian Forsgren, Karin Sahlin, Abhijit Venkatesh et al
Other conference contribution

Surface treatment of cellulose nanocrystals (CNC): effects on dispersion rheology

Karin Sahlin, Lilian Forsgren, Tobias Moberg et al
Cellulose. Vol. 25 (1), p. 331-345
Journal article

Nanocellulose in biocomposites

Karin Sahlin, Tobias Moberg, Lilian Forsgren et al
Proc Materials for Tomorrow 2016, p. Nr 41-
Conference poster

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