Ulla Lindberg

Showing 13 publications


Thermal comfort in the supermarket environment – multiple enquiry methods and simultaneous measurements of the thermal environment

Ulla Lindberg, Per Fahlén, Monica Axell et al
International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 82, p. 426-435
Journal article

Supermarket Environment, Thermal Comfort, Energy and Food Quality Efficiency

Ulla Lindberg, Per Fahlén, Monica Axell et al
Science et technique du froid. Vol. 2016-January, p. 391-398
Paper in proceeding

Thermal Comfort in the Supermarket Environment - Multiple Enquiry Methods and Simultaneous Measurements of the Thermal Environment

Ulla Lindberg, Per Fahlén, Monica Axell et al
Science et technique du froid. Vol. 2016-January, p. 41-48
Paper in proceeding

Energy efficiency in Supermarkets and directives for efficiency – Implication of EU efficiency directives

Ulla Lindberg, Lennart Rolfsman, Monica Axell et al
23nd International Congress of Refrigeration, International Institute of Refrigeration
Paper in proceeding

Indoor thermal environment in supermarkets - comparison of measured and perceived comfort parameters

Ulla Lindberg, Monica Axell, Per Fahlén et al
10th REHVA World congress Clima 2010 Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings
Paper in proceeding

Vertical display cabinets without and with doors – a comparison of measurements in a laboratory and in a supermarket

Ulla Lindberg, Monica Axell, Per Fahlén
1st IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain
Paper in proceeding

Appropriate indoor environment in supermarkets for environmentally sustainable supermarkets - Measurements and questionnaires

Ulla Lindberg, Monica Axell, Per Fahlén et al
Indoor Air 2008, Copenhagen, Danmark
Paper in proceeding

Supermarkets, indoor climate and energy efficiency - Field measurements before and after installation of doors on refrigerated cases

Ulla Lindberg, Monica Axell, Per Fahlén et al
International Refirgeration and Air Conditioning Conference, Purdue, USA
Paper in proceeding

Appropriate indoor air climate for environmentally sustainable supermarkets ? Field measurements

Ulla Lindberg, Monica Axell, Per Fahlén et al
Proceedings 22nd International World Congress on Refrigeration, Beijing, China
Paper in proceeding

Appropriate indoor climate for environmentally sustainable Supermarkets ? Measurements and Questionnaires

Monica Axell, Ulla Lindberg
Proceedings 9th World Congress Clima 2007 Wellbeing Indoors
Paper in proceeding

Air-to-air heat pumps evaluated for Nordic circumstances

Fredrik Karlsson, Peter Lidbom, Monica Axell et al
Cold Climate HVAC 2006. Vol. 1
Paper in proceeding

Jorden runt mot doktorstiteln

Ulla Lindberg
Energi&Miljö. Vol. 76 (5), p. 19-
Magazine article

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