Jonas Larsson

Showing 5 publications


Non-Linear Analysis of Nearly Saturated Porous Media: Theoretical and Numerical Formulation

Jonas Larsson, Ragnar Larsson
Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng.. Vol. 191, p. 3885-3907
Journal article

Theory and numerics of localization in a fluid-saturated elastoplastic porous medium

Ragnar Larsson, Jonas Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Porous Media: Theory, Experiments and Numerical Applications , Springer multi-author volume / edited by W. Ehlers, J. Bluhm, p. 315-340
Book chapter

Finite Element Analysis of Localization of Deformation and Fluid Pressure in an Elastoplastic Porous Medium

Jonas Larsson, Ragnar Larsson
Int. J. Solids Structures. Vol. 37, p. 7231-7257
Journal article

Localization Analysis of a Fluid Saturated Elastoplastic Porous Medium Using Regularized Discontinuities

Jonas Larsson, Ragnar Larsson
Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials. Vol. 5 (7), p. 565-582
Journal article

Computational Strategy for Capturing Localization in Undrained Soil

Jonas Larsson, Ragnar Larsson
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 24, p. 293-303
Journal article

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