Thea Lyseid Authen

Showing 7 publications


Batch flowsheet test for a GANEX-type process: the CHALMEX FS-13 process

Thea Lyseid Authen, A. Wilden, Dimitri Schneider et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 40 (3), p. 189-202
Journal article

An overview of solvent extraction processes developed in Europe for advanced nuclear fuel recycling, Part 2 — homogeneous recycling

Thea Lyseid Authen, Jean Marc Adnet, Stéphane Bourg et al
Separation Science and Technology. Vol. 57 (11), p. 1724-1744
Review article

A comparison on the use of DEHBA or TBP as extracting agent for tetra- and hexavalent actinides in the CHALMEX Process

Thea Lyseid Authen, Behabitu Ergette Tebikachew, Mark Foreman et al
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 331 (12), p. 5137-5145
Journal article

Batch Tests for Optimisation of Solvent Composition and Process Flexibility of the CHALMEX FS-13 Process

Thea Lyseid Authen, A. Wilden, Jenny Halleröd et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 39 (1), p. 1-17
Journal article

On the Basic Extraction Properties of a Phenyl Trifluoromethyl Sulfone-Based GANEX System Containing CyMe4-BTBP and TBP

Jenny Halleröd, Christian Ekberg, Thea Authen et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 36 (4), p. 360-372
Journal article

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