Margareta Wallquist

Advisor at Office of the President

Margareta Wallquist is advisor at the Office of the President, with main focus on policies and processes related to research, areas of advance and research infrastructure. Margareta has a PhD in quantum technology.

Image of Margareta Wallquist

Showing 7 publications


Implementation of the three-qubit phase-flip error correction code with superconducting qubits

Göran Johansson, Vitaly Shumeiko, Margareta Wallquist et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 77
Journal article

Selective coupling of superconducting charge qubits mediated by a tunable stripline cavity

Margareta Wallquist, Vitaly Shumeiko, Göran Wendin
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 74
Journal article

Superconducting qubit network with controllable nearest neighbor coupling

Margareta Wallquist, Jonn Lantz, Vitaly Shumeiko et al
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 7
Journal article

Theoretical investigation of coupled superconducting qubits

Margareta Wallquist
Licentiate thesis

Josephson junction qubit network with current-controlled interaction

Jonn Lantz, Margareta Wallquist, Vitaly Shumeiko et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 70
Journal article

Current-controlled coupling of superconducting charge qubits

Margareta Wallquist, Jonn Lantz, Vitaly Shumeiko et al
Quantum Computation: solid state systems, Kluwer Academic Plenum Publishers
Other conference contribution

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