Léa Rouquette

Doctoral Student at Nuclear Chemistry and Industrial Materials Recycling

Léa´s PhD project is focused on lithium-ion batteries recycling. The goal is to recover valuable metals from the spent batteries.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Léa Rouquette

Showing 4 publications


Production of High Purity MnSO<inf>4</inf>·H<inf>2</inf>O from Real NMC111 Lithium-Ion Batteries Leachate Using Solvent Extraction and Evaporative Crystallization

Andrea Locati, Maja Mikulić, Léa Rouquette et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 42 (6-7), p. 636-657
Journal article

Intensification of lithium carbonation in the thermal treatment of spent EV Li-ion batteries via waste utilization and selective recovery by water leaching

Léa Rouquette, Tom Lemaitre, Nathalia Cristine Vieceli et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Advances. Vol. 17
Journal article

Complete and selective recovery of lithium from EV lithium-ion batteries: Modeling and optimization using oxalic acid as a leaching agent

Léa Rouquette, Martina Petranikova, Nathalia Cristine Vieceli
Separation and Purification Technology. Vol. 320
Journal article

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