Mareddy Reddy

Showing 9 publications


Impact of CeCo-Coated Metallic Interconnectors on SOCs Towards Performance, Cr-Oxide-Scale, and Cr-Evaporation

C. Grosselindemann, Mareddy Reddy, H. Störmer et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 171 (5)
Journal article

Investigation of coated FeCr steels for application as solid oxide fuel cell interconnects under dual-atmosphere conditions

Mareddy Reddy, Alberto Visibile, Jan-Erik Svensson et al
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 48 (38), p. 14406-14417
Journal article

Seabird surveillance: combining CCTV and artificial intelligence for monitoring and research

Jonas Hentati-Sundberg, Agnes B. Olin, Sheetal Reddy et al
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. Vol. 9 (4), p. 568-581
Journal article

Experimental review of the performances of protective coatings for interconnects in solid oxide fuel cells

Mareddy Reddy, Bartosz Kamecki, Belma Talic et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 568
Journal article

11–23% Cr steels for solid oxide fuel cell interconnect applications at 800 °C – How the coating determines oxidation kinetics

Mareddy Reddy, T. E. Chausson, Jan-Erik Svensson et al
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 48 (34), p. 12893-12904
Journal article

Evaluating candidate materials for balance of plant components in SOFC: Oxidation and Cr evaporation properties

Mareddy Reddy, Jan-Erik Svensson, Jan Froitzheim
Corrosion Science. Vol. 190
Journal article

Reevaluating the Cr Evaporation Characteristics of Ce/Co Coatings for Interconnect Applications

Mareddy Reddy, Jan-Erik Svensson, Jan Froitzheim
ECS Transactions. Vol. 103 (1), p. 1899-1905
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Towards a sustainable society: Developing metallic materials to advance solid oxide technology

Jan Froitzheim Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1
Mareddy Reddy Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1

5 publications exist
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