Maria Karlsson

Controller at [SEE verksamhetsstöd]

Maria Karlsson is responsible for the budget, follow-up, forecasts and analysis and economic project accounting at the department of Space, Earth and Environment. She supports the researchers and project leaders from project application to the project accounting with continuous follow-up between. Maria also works with continuous development of the financial routines and structures.

Image of Maria Karlsson

Showing 18 publications


Evidence of Reading? The Swedish Public's Letters to Selma Lagerlöf. Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to the History of Reading

Jenny Bergenmar, Maria Karlsson
Plotting the Reading Experience. Theory, Practice, Politics / Paulette M. Rothbauer, Kjell Ivar Skjerdingstad, Lynne (E.F.) McKechnie, and Knut Oterholm, editors, p. 73-85
Book chapter

Staphylokinase promotes the establishment of Staphylococcus aureus skin infections while decreasing disease severity.

Jakub Kwiecinski, Gunnar Jacobsson, Maria Karlsson et al
Journal of Infectious Diseases. Vol. 208 (6), p. 990-999
Journal article

Bästa författarinna, Högtärade Dr. Lagerlöf, Kära sagotant! Om allmänhetens läsning av Selma Lagerlöf

Jenny Bergenmar, Maria Karlsson
Läsning. red. Jenny Björkman & Björn Fjaestad, p. 50-59
Book chapter

Selma Lagerlöf: Körkarlen. Berättelse

Jenny Bergenmar, Maria Karlsson, Petra Söderlund
Edited book

Reconstitution of water channel function of an aquaporin overexpressed and purified from Pichia pastoris.

Maria Karlsson, Dimitrios Fotiadis, Sara Sjövall et al
FEBS Letters. Vol. 537 (1-3), p. 68-72
Journal article

Co-Combustion of dried sewage sludge and coal/wood in CFB-A Search for Factors Influencing Emissions

Lars-Erik Åmand, Heije Miettinen Westberg, Maria Karlsson et al
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion--FBC01, held in Reno, Nevada, USA, May 13-16, 2001 (FBC01-0108)
Paper in proceeding

Co-Combustion of Dried Sewage Sludge and Coal The Fate of Heavy Metals

Lars-Erik Åmand, Heije Miettinen Westberg, Maria Karlsson et al
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion--FBC01, held in Reno, Nevada, USA, May 13-16, 2001 (FBC01-0176)
Paper in proceeding

Measurement of the concentration of ammonia and ethene in the combustion chamber of a circulating fluidised-bed boiler

Lars-Erik Åmand, Håkan Kassman, Maria Karlsson et al
Journal of the Institute of Energy (70), p. 25-30
Journal article

Fuel Loading of a Fluidized Bed Combustor Burning Bituminous Coal, Peat or Wood Chips

Lars-Erik Åmand, Anders Lyngfelt, Maria Karlsson et al

Large and small particles in CFB combustors

Yongjie Na, Guizhang Yan, Xiaolan Sun et al
Proc of the 5th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Bed. Vol. 5, p. 194-199
Paper in proceeding

Reduction of N2O Emissions from Fluidised Combustion by Reversed Air Staging

Anders Lyngfelt, Lars-Erik Åmand, Maria Karlsson et al
Second International Conference on Combustion and Emissions Control, The Institute of Energy, London, p. 89-100
Paper in proceeding

Gaseous emissions from circulating fluidized bed combustion of wood

Bo G Leckner, Maria Karlsson
Biomass and Bioenergy. Vol. 4 (5), p. 379-389
Journal article

Emissions from circulating fluidized bed combustion of mixtures of wood and coal

Bo G Leckner, Maria Karlsson
Proc of the 12th International Conference on Fluidized-Bed Combustion. Vol. 1, p. 109-115
Paper in proceeding

Emissions from a 165 MWth FBC steam boiler

Bo G Leckner, Maria Karlsson, Margareta Mjörnell et al
Wirbelschichtsysteme 1992, VGB-TB214 (V28), p. 1-13
Other conference contribution

Emissions from a 165 MWth circulating fluidised bed boiler

Bo G Leckner, Maria Karlsson, Margareta Mjörnell et al
Journal of the Institute of Energy. Vol. 65 (464), p. 122-130
Journal article

Emission Control With Additives in CFB Coal Combustion

Margareta Mjörnell, Bo G Leckner, Maria Karlsson et al
Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Fluid. Bed Combustion. Vol. 11, p. 655-664
Other conference contribution

Influence of additives on selective noncatalytic reduction of nitric oxide with ammonia in circulating fluidized bed boilers

Bo G Leckner, Maria Karlsson, Kim Dam-Johansen et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 30 (11), p. 2396-2404
Journal article

Emissions from the 40 MWth circulating fluidized bed boiler in Nyköping

Bo G Leckner, Margareta Mjörnell, Maria Karlsson et al
Wirbelschichtsysteme 1990 (V10), p. 1-20
Other conference contribution

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