Maria Karlsson
Maria Karlsson is responsible for the budget, follow-up, forecasts and analysis and economic project accounting at the department of Space, Earth and Environment. She supports the researchers and project leaders from project application to the project accounting with continuous follow-up between. Maria also works with continuous development of the financial routines and structures.

Showing 18 publications
Selma Lagerlöf: Körkarlen. Berättelse
Co-Combustion of dried sewage sludge and coal/wood in CFB-A Search for Factors Influencing Emissions
Co-Combustion of Dried Sewage Sludge and Coal The Fate of Heavy Metals
Fuel Loading of a Fluidized Bed Combustor Burning Bituminous Coal, Peat or Wood Chips
Large and small particles in CFB combustors
Reduction of N2O Emissions from Fluidised Combustion by Reversed Air Staging
Gaseous emissions from circulating fluidized bed combustion of wood
Emissions from circulating fluidized bed combustion of mixtures of wood and coal
Emissions from a 165 MWth FBC steam boiler
Emissions from a 165 MWth circulating fluidised bed boiler
Emission Control With Additives in CFB Coal Combustion
Emissions from the 40 MWth circulating fluidized bed boiler in Nyköping
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