Mark Linne

Professor at Combustion and Propulsion Systems image

Showing 51 publications


Modeling and numerical study of primary breakup under diesel conditions

Amirreza Movaghar, Mark Linne, M. Herrmann et al
International Journal of Multiphase Flow. Vol. 98 (2018), p. 110-119
Journal article

Numerical investigation of turbulent-jet primary breakup using one-dimensional turbulence

Amirreza Movaghar, Mark Linne, Michael Oevermann et al
International Journal of Multiphase Flow. Vol. 89, p. 241-254
Journal article

Visualization of acceleration in multiphase fluid interactions

David Sedarsky, Mattias Rahm, Mark Linne
Optics Letters. Vol. 41 (7), p. 1404-1407
Journal article

Gas/Fuel Jet Interfaces Under High Pressures and Temperatures

Zachary Falgout, Mattias Rahm, David Sedarsky et al
Fuel. Vol. 168, p. 14-21
Journal article

Optical sectioning for measurements in transient sprays

Mattias Rahm, Zachary Falgout, David Sedarsky et al
Optics Express. Vol. 24 (5), p. 4610-4621
Journal article

Interior flow and near-nozzle spray development in a marine-engine diesel fuel injector

J. Hult, P. Simmank, S. Matlok et al
Experiments in Fluids. Vol. 57 (4)
Journal article

Novel design for transparent high-pressure fuel injector nozzles

Zachary Falgout, Mark Linne
Review of Scientific Instruments. Vol. 87 (8), p. 085108-
Journal article

Cavitation Inside High-Pressure Optically Transparent Fuel Injector Nozzles

Zachary Falgout, Mark Linne
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 656 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic Ballistic Imaging: A technique to measure acceleration in the spray formation region

Mattias Rahm, Zachary Falgout, David Sedarsky et al
ILASS Americas, May 17-20 2015, Raleigh NC, USA
Paper in proceeding

Numerical and experimental studies of liquid breakup at the surface of turbulent jets

Amirreza Movaghar, David Sedarsky, Mark Linne et al
ICLASS 2015 - 13th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of optical arrangements for ballistic imaging in sprays

Mattias Rahm, David Sedarsky, Megan Paciaroni et al
Optics Express. Vol. 23 (17), p. 22444-22462
Journal article

Evidence for supercritical mixing layers in the ECN Spray A

Zachary Falgout, Mattias Rahm, Z. K. Wang et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 35 (2), p. 1579-1586
Journal article

Evidence for Supercritical Regions of the ECN Spray A

Zachary Falgout, Mattias Rahm, Zhenkan Wang et al
Proceedings of the 35th International Combustion Symposium
Paper in proceeding

Numerical study of liquid breakup at the surface of turbulent liquid jets using One-Dimensional Turbulence

Amirreza Movaghar, Mark Linne, Michael Oevermann et al
ILASS – Europe 2014, 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Paper in proceeding

New spray measurements using ballistic imaging

Mark Linne
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Paper in proceeding

Transcritical Mixing Layers at ECN Spray A Conditions

Zachary Falgout, Mattias Rahm, David Sedarsky et al
ILASS – Europe 2014, 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Paper in proceeding

Optical Arrangements for Time-Gated Ballistic Imaging

Mattias Rahm, Megan Paciaroni, Zhenkan Wang et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Paper in proceeding

Visualization of low-level swirl effects in fuel injection sprays

David Sedarsky, Mattias Rahm, Zachary Falgout et al
ILASS – Europe 2014, 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Paper in proceeding

Imaging in the Optically Dense Regions of a Spray: A Review of Developing Techniques

Mark Linne
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. Vol. 39 (5), p. 403-440
Review article

Current Technological Advances in Fuel Spray Imaging

Megan Paciaroni, Mark Linne
Fifth Annual IEEE Green Technologies Conference, p. 356-361
Paper in proceeding

Correlation of Internal Flow and Spray Breakup for a Fuel Injector Used in Ship Engines

Mark Linne, Mattias Rahm, Zachary Falgout et al
8th US National Combustion Meeting. Vol. 2, p. 1150-1157
Paper in proceeding

Ship-Engine Diesel Spray Breakup at Pressure

Zachary Falgout, Mattias Rahm, Zhenkan Wang et al
25th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of X-ray phase contrast imaging in atomizing sprays

Mark Linne
Experiments in Fluids. Vol. 52 (5), p. 1201-1218
Journal article

Detailed Numerical Simulation of X-ray Radiography in Sprays

Mark Linne
ILASS-Americas, 24th annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Paper in proceeding

Detailed numerical analysis of x-ray phase contrast imaging in sprays

Mark Linne
ICLASS 2012 - 12th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Paper in proceeding

Detailed Numerical Analysis of X-ray Radiography in Sprays

Mark Linne
ICLASS 2012 - 12th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of X-ray radiography in atomizing sprays

Mark Linne
Experiments in Fluids. Vol. 53 (3), p. 655-671
Journal article

Detailed Numerical Simulation of X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging in Sprays

Mark Linne
ILASS-Americas, 24th annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems,
Paper in proceeding

Structured illumination for 3D Mie imaging and 2D attenuation measurements in optically dense sprays

Elias Kristensson, Edouard Berocal, Robert Wellander et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 33 (1), p. 855-861
Paper in proceeding

Quantitative image contrast enhancement in time-gated transillumination of scattering media

David Sedarsky, Edouard Berocal, Mark Linne
Optics Express. Vol. 19 (3), p. 1866-1883
Journal article

Analysis of multiple scattering suppression using structured laser illumination planar imaging in scattering and fluorescing media

E. Kristensson, L. Araneo, Edouard Berocal et al
Optics Express. Vol. 19 (14), p. 13647-13663
Journal article

Electrochemical Investigation of Model Solid Oxide Fuel Cells in H2/H2O and CO/CO2 atmospheres using Nickel Pattern Electrodes

Andreas Ehn, Jens Høgh, M. Graczyk et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 157 (11), p. B1588-B1596
Journal article

Structure and stabilization mechanism of a stratified premixed low swirl flame

Karl-Johan Nogenmyr, Per Petersson, Xue-Song Bai et al
33rd International Symposium on Combustion
Paper in proceeding

Measuring fundamental properties in operating solid oxide electrochemical cells by using in situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

C. Zhang, M. E. Grass, A. H. McDaniel et al
Nature Materials. Vol. 9 (11), p. 944-949
Journal article

Numerical investigation of discriminated forward scattering: optimizing imaging optics for dense sprays

David Sedarsky, Edouard Berrocal, Mark Linne
ILASS Europe
Other conference contribution

Fixture for in-situ and in-operando characterization of electrochemical devices in traditional vacuum systems

Josh Whaley, Anthony McDaniel, Farid ElGabaly et al
Review of Scientific Instruments. Vol. 81 (8), p. 86-104
Journal article

Ballistic Imaging in the Near-Field of an Effervescent Spray

Mark Linne, David Sedarsky, Terrence Meyer et al
ILASS Europe
Other conference contribution

Measuring individual overpotentials in an operating solid-oxide electrochemical cell

Farid El Gabaly, Anthony McDaniel, Michael Grass et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 12 (38), p. 12138-12145
Journal article

Model validation image data for breakup of a liquid jet in crossflow: part I

David Sedarsky, M. Paciaroni, Edouard Berocal et al
Experiments in Fluids. Vol. 49 (2), p. 391-408
Journal article

Ballistic Imaging of the Flow in the Interior of the Near-Field of an Effervescent Spray

Mark Linne, David Sedarsky, Terrence Meyer et al
Experiments in Fluids. Vol. 49 (4), p. 911-923
Journal article

Numerical analysis of ballistic imaging for revealing liquid breakup in dense sprays

David Sedarsky, Edouard Berocal, Mark Linne
Atomization and Sprays. Vol. 20 (5), p. 407-413
Journal article

In situ characterization of ceria oxidation states in high-temperature electrochemical cells with ambient pressure XPS

Stephen DeCaluwe, Henrick Bluhm, C. Zhang et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 114, p. 19853-19861
Journal article

Multiple Scattering Suppression In Planar Laser Imaging Of Dense Sprays By Means Of Structured Illumination

Edouard Berocal, E. Kristensson, M. Richter et al
Atomization and Sprays. Vol. 20 (2), p. 133-139
Journal article

Large eddy simulation and laser diagnostic studies on a low swirl stratified premixed flame

Mark Linne
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 156, p. 25-36
Journal article

Velocity imaging of fluid structures in the near field of an aerated spray

Mark Linne
11th Triennial International Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Paper in proceeding

Ballistic imaging of liquid breakup processes in dense sprays

Mark Linne
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Journal article

Analysis of the SLIPI technique for multiple scattering suppression in planar imaging of fuel sprays

Edouard Berrocal, Elias Kristensson, David Sedarsky et al
11th Triennial International Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Paper in proceeding

Numerical analysis of ballistic imaging for revealing liquid breakup in dense sprays

David Sedarsky, Edouard Berocal, Mark Linne
11th International Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems 2009, ICLASS 2009
Paper in proceeding

Fast-framing ballistic imaging of velocity in an aerated spray

Mark Linne
Optics Letters. Vol. 34 (18), p. 2748-2750
Journal article

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Showing 4 research projects


Advanced Spray Research

Mark Linne Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Swedish Energy Agency


Fundamental studies of transient sprays

Mark Linne Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Mats Andersson Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation


Numerisk modell för turbulent sprayuppbrytning i förbränningsmotorer

Mark Linne Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Swedish Energy Agency


Higher Efficiency, Reduced Emissions, Increased Reliability and Lifetime, Engines for Ships (HERCULES-C)

Zachary Falgout Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Mark Linne Combustion and Propulsion Systems
European Commission (EC)

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