Maryam Mirzaei

Showing 8 publications


Platoon Control under a Novel Leader and Predecessor Following Scheme with the Use of an Advanced Aerodynamic Model

Hakan Köroglu, Maryam Mirzaei, Paolo Falcone et al
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME. Vol. 140 (4)
Journal article

Numerical Study of Aerodynamic Interactions in a Homogeneous Multi-vehicle Formation

Maryam Mirzaei, Sinisa Krajnovic
Springer Proceedings in Physics. Vol. 185, p. 289-294
Paper in proceeding

Large Eddy Simulations of Flow Around Two Generic Vehicles in a Platoon

Maryam Mirzaei, Sinisa Krajnovic
Springer Proceedings in Physics. Vol. 185, p. 283-288
Paper in proceeding

Experimental and numerical study of flow structures between two Ahmed bodies with various inter-body distances

Maryam Mirzaei, Alexandr Pavlenko, Sinisa Krajnovic et al
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 0, p. 835-838
Paper in proceeding

Partially-Averaged navier-stokes simulations of flows around two different ahmed bodies

Maryam Mirzaei, Sinisa Krajnovic, B. Basara
Computers and Fluids. Vol. 117, p. 273-286
Journal article

Large Eddy Simulation of the flow and heat transfer in a half-corrugated channel with various wave amplitudes

Maryam Mirzaei, Ahmad Sohankar Esfahani, Lars Davidson et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 76, p. 432-446
Journal article

Numerical simulation of two vehicles at short distances in a platoon

Maryam Mirzaei, Sinisa Krajnovic
First International Conference in Numerical and Experimental Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles and Trains (Aerovehicles 1), 23-25 June 2014, Bordeaux, France.
Paper in proceeding

The effect of corrugation on heat transfer and pressure drop in channel flow with different Prandtl numbers

Maryam Mirzaei, Lars Davidson, Ahmad Sohankar Esfahani et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 66, p. 164-176
Journal article

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