Oscar Marmon

Showing 7 publications


Sums and differences of four kth powers

Oscar Marmon
Monatshefte für Mathematik. Vol. 164 (1), p. 55-74
Journal article

The density of integral points on hypersurfaces of degree at least four

Oscar Marmon
Acta Arithmetica. Vol. 141 (3), p. 211-240
Journal article

A generalization of the Bombieri-Pila determinant method

Oscar Marmon
Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Vol. 171 (6), p. 736-744
Journal article

Counting solutions to Diophantine equations

Oscar Marmon
Doctoral thesis

The density of integral points on complete intersections

Oscar Marmon
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 59 (1), p. 29-53
Journal article

On the density of solutions to Diophantine equations

Oscar Marmon
Licentiate thesis

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