Qazi Mashaal Khan

Showing 4 publications


Improvements proposed to noisy-OR derivatives for multi-causal analysis: A case study of simultaneous electromagnetic disturbances

Lokesh Devaraj, Qazi Mashaal Khan, Alastair R. Ruddle et al
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. Vol. 164
Journal article

Electro-Thermal Modeling of AM-SLM Based Cavity Resonators

Qazi Mashaal Khan, Dan Kuylenstierna
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, p. 505-508
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of Q-factor for AM-SLM Cavity based Resonators using Surface Roughness Models

Qazi Mashaal Khan, Dan Kuylenstierna
IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques. Vol. 9, p. 75-83
Journal article

Validation of IC Conducted Emission and Immunity Models Including Aging and Thermal Stress

Qazi Mashaal Khan, M. Koohestani, Jean Luc Levant et al
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Vol. 65 (3), p. 780-793
Journal article

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