Maria Massaro

Showing 11 publications


Will 5G lead to more spectrum sharing? Discussing recent developments of the LSA and the CBRS spectrum sharing frameworks

Maria Massaro, Fernando Beltrán
Telecommunications Policy. Vol. 44 (7)
Journal article

Radio Spectrum Management in the European Union

Maria Massaro
Doctoral thesis

Between integration and protection of national sovereignty in the European Union’s radio spectrum policy

Maria Massaro
Journal of Information Policy. Vol. 9, p. 158-197
Journal article

Is business lobbying in the European Union context-dependent? Evidence from the policy field of radio spectrum

Maria Massaro
Telecommunications Policy. Vol. 43 (10)
Journal article

Radio spectrum regulation as a matter of international affairs: discussing the effectiveness of the European Union at World Radiocommunication Conferences

Maria Massaro
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance. Vol. 20 (5), p. 373-398
Journal article

Declining effectiveness of the European Union in the International Telecommunication Union: evidence from recent World Radiocommunication Conferences

Maria Massaro
Annual Conference of the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC), Hawaii, Honolulu
Paper in proceeding

Next generation of radio spectrum management: Licensed shared access for 5G

Maria Massaro
Telecommunications Policy. Vol. 41 (5-6), p. 422-433
Journal article

EU radio spectrum legislation: four stages of development

Maria Massaro, Erik Bohlin
Annual Scientific Seminar “Policy challenges in Digital Markets” of the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) - Communications & Media, Florence, Italy
Paper in proceeding

Next generation of radio spectrum management: Licensed Shared Access and the trade-off between static and dynamic efficiency

Maria Massaro
Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS), San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain; Regional Conference of the ITS, Los Angeles, California, USA
Paper in proceeding

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