Mathias Fredrixon
Mathias is involved in the development of receivers for radio astronomy mainly for the telescopes at Onsala, the ALMA telescope and the APEX telescope.
In the GARD group, Mathias is responsible for the development of CAD models, drawings and contacts with mechanical workshops.
Mathias first assignment at Chalmers was development and tests for the Space Telescope ODIN that was launched 2001.
The work at GARD involves everything from programming, measurements in the lab and installing receivers at 5100 meters over sea level in the Chilean mountains in South America.

Showing 39 publications
A Broad-Band Dual-Polarization All-Metal Dichroic Filter for Cryogenic Applications in Sub-THz Range
Setup for Measurement and Characterization of Cryogenic Low-Noise Receivers
Wideband OMT for the 210-373 GHz Band With Built-in 90? Waveguide Twist
Vacuum-Seal Waveguide Feedthrough for Extended W-Band 67-116 GHz
SEPIA345: a dual polarization 2SB cartridge receiver for APEX telescope: Design and Performance
ALMA Band 2 Cold Cartridge Assembly Design
SEPIA345: a dual polarization 2SB cartridge receiver for APEX telescope: Design and Performance
ALMA Band 2 Receiver Automated Test System
SEPIA345: A 345 GHz dual polarization heterodyne receiver channel for SEPIA at the APEX telescope
A broadband and dual-polarization single-layer dichroic filter for applications in Sub-THz range
Wideband 67-116 GHz receiver development for ALMA Band 2
New optics for SEPIA- Heterodyne facility instrument for the APEX telescope
A 1mM SIS receiver utilizing different intermediate frequency (IF) configurations
ALMA Band 5 receiver cartridge: Design, performance, and commissioning
SEPIA - A new single pixel receiver at the APEX telescope
Broken-step Phenomenon in SIS Mixers
A new 3 mm band receiver for the Onsala 20 m antenna
Dual Band MM-Wave Receiver for Onsala 20 m Antenna
Performance of the First ALMA Band 5 Production Cartridge
Performance of the first ALMA Band 5 production cartridge
Design and performance of ALMA band 5 receiver cartridge
Advanced Technologies for Radio Astronomy Instrumentation
Integrated Setup for THz Receiver Characterization
Design and Performance of ALMA Band 5 Receiver Components
ALMA band 5 cartridge performance
Terahertz Instrumentation For Radio Astronomy
A 1.3-THz Balanced Waveguide HEB Mixer for the APEX Telescope
Optics Design and Verificatgion for the APEX Swedish Heterodyne Facility Instrument (SHeFI)
Prototype ALMA Band 5 Cartridge:Design and Performance
A Swedish heterodyne facility instrument for the APEX telescope
Optics Design and Verification for the APEX Swedish Heterodyne Facility Instrument (SHeFI)
APEX Band T2: A 1.25 – 1.39 THz Waveguide Balanced HEB Receiver
Molecular oxygen in the p Ophiuchi cloud
Facility Heterodyne Receiver for the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment Telescope
A 0.8 mm heterodyne facility receiver for the APEX telescope
A 279-381 GHz SIS Receiver for the APEX Telescope
A Gaussian Beam Measurement Range for mm and Sub-mm Receivers
Measurement Results of Gaussian Beam Verification for HIFI Instrument of Herschel Space Observatory
The Odin satellite - I. Radiometer design and test
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