Ivan Pirkov

Showing 4 publications


Time course gene expression profiling of yeast spore germination reveals a network of transcription factors orchestrating the global response

Cecilia Geijer, Ivan Pirkov, Wanwipa Vongsangnak et al
BMC Genomics. Vol. 13 (1), p. artikel nr 554-
Journal article

A complete inventory of all enzymes in the eukaryotic methionine salvage pathway

Ivan Pirkov, Joakim Norbeck, Lena Gustafsson et al
FEBS J. Vol. 275, p. 4111-4120
Journal article

Ethylene production by metabolic engineering of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Ivan Pirkov, Eva Albers, Joakim Norbeck et al
Metabolic Engineering. Vol. 10, p. 276-280
Journal article

Implementation of ethene formation in yeast studied in silico and experimentally

Eva Albers, Christer Larsson, Ivan Pirkov et al
Proceedings of 13th Workshop of International Study Group for Systems Biology (ISGSB), Denmark, p. 129-136
Other conference contribution

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