Milena Anguelova

Showing 12 publications


Structural Identifiability Analysis of Large Models of Dynamical Systems

Johan Karlsson, Milena Anguelova, Mats Jirstrand
In proceedings of PKUK 2014, p. 6-6
Paper in proceeding

Minimal output sets for identifiability

Milena Anguelova, Johan Karlsson, Mats Jirstrand
Mathematical Biosciences
Journal article

An Efficient Method for Structural Identiability Analysis of Large Dynamic Systems

Milena Anguelova, Mats Jirstrand, Johan Karlsson
16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification. Vol. 16 (1), p. 941-946
Paper in proceeding

On analytic and algebraic observability of nonlinear delay systems

Milena Anguelova, Bernt Wennberg
Automatica. Vol. 46 (4), p. 682-686
Journal article

When classical nonlinear time-delay state-space systems admit an input-output equation of neutral type

Milena Anguelova, Miroslav Halas
9th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, TDS 2010, Prague, 7 - 9 June 2010. Vol. 9 (PART 1), p. 200-205
Paper in proceeding

Input-Output Representation and Identifiability of Delay Parameters for Nonlinear Systems with Multiple Time-Delays

Milena Anguelova, Bernt Wennberg
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Vol. 388, p. 243-253
Other conference contribution

State elimination and identifiability of the delay parameter for nonlinear time-delay systems

Milena Anguelova, Bernt Wennberg
Automatica. Vol. 44 (5), p. 1373-1378
Journal article

Identifiability of the time-lag parameter in delay systems with applications in systems biology

Milena Anguelova, Bernt Wennberg
Proc. of FOSBE2007 (Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering)
Paper in proceeding

State elimination and identifiability of delay parameters for nonlinear systems with multiple time delays

Milena Anguelova, Bernt Wennberg
IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, TDS07
Paper in proceeding

Conservation laws and identifiability of rate expressions in biochemical models

Milena Anguelova, Gunnar Cedersund, Carl Johan Franzén et al
IET Systems Biology. Vol. 1 (4), p. 230-237
Journal article

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