Minjuan Wang

Showing 13 publications


How drivers respond to visual vs. auditory information in advisory traffic information systems

Minjuan Wang, Yuan Liao, Sus Lyckvi et al
Behaviour and Information Technology. Vol. 39 (12), p. 1308-1319
Journal article

Cross-regional driver-vehicle interaction design: An interview study on driving risk perceptions, decisions, and ADAS function preferences

Yuan Liao, Minjuan Wang, Lian Duan et al
IET Intelligent Transport Systems. Vol. 12 (8), p. 801-808
Journal article

Cross-regional Study on Driver Response Behaviour Patterns and System Acceptance with Triggered Forward Collision Warning

Yuan Liao, Lian Duan, Minjuan Wang et al
2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, p. 565-570
Paper in proceeding

Using Advisory 3D Sound Cues to Improve Drivers’ Performance and Situation Awareness

Minjuan Wang, Sus Lundgren, Chenhui Hong et al
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM press.. Vol. 2017-May
Paper in proceeding

Same, same but different: How design requirements for an auditory advisory traffic information system differ between Sweden and China

Minjuan Wang, Sus Lyckvi, Fang Chen
AutomotiveUI 2016 - 8th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Proceedings, p. 75-82
Paper in proceeding

Why and How Traffic Safety Cultures Matter when Designing Advisory Traffic Information Systems

Minjuan Wang, Sus Lyckvi, Fang Chen
34th Annual Chi Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Chi 2016, p. 2808-2818
Paper in proceeding

Drive Advisory System: Do Swedish and Chinese Drivers Appreciate it in the Same Way?

Minjuan Wang, Lian Duan, Jiaxin Wang et al
International Journal of Engineering and Technology. Vol. 8 (4), p. 286-292
Journal article

Letting Drivers Know What is Going on in Traffic

Fang Chen, Minjuan Wang, Lian Duan
Advances in Intelligent Vehicles, p. 291-318
Book chapter

Using naturalistic driving films as a design tool for investigating driver requirements in HMI design for ADAS

Minjuan Wang, Dong Sun, Fang Chen
Work. Vol. 41 (Supplement: 1), p. 4205-4212
Journal article

How can we design 3D auditory interfaces which enhance traffic safety for Chinese drivers?

Minjuan Wang, Y. C. Li, Fang Chen
AutomotiveUI 2012 - 4th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, In-cooperation with ACM SIGCHI - Proceedings, p. 77-83
Paper in proceeding

How shall we design the future vehicle for Chinese market

Fang Chen, Minjuan Wang, X. C. Zhu et al
Work. Vol. 41 (Supplement: 1), p. 4265-4272
Journal article

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