Jesper Molin

Showing 11 publications


Training nuclei detection algorithms with simple annotations

Henning Kost, André Homeyer, Jesper Molin et al
Journal of Pathology Informatics. Vol. 8 (1)
Journal article

Understanding Design for Automated Image Analysis in Digital Pathology

Jesper Molin, Pawel Wozniak, Claes Lundström et al
9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, NordiCHI 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden, 23-27 October 2016. Vol. 23-27-October-2016 (58)
Paper in proceeding

Improving the creation and reporting of structured findings during digital pathology review

Ida Cervin, Jesper Molin, Claes Lundström
Journal of Pathology Informatics. Vol. 7 (32), p. Article no 32-
Review article

Scale Stain: Multi-Resolution Feature Enhancement in Pathology Visualization

Jesper Molin, Anna Bodén, Darren Treanor et al

Towards grading gleason score using generically trained deep convolutional neural networks

H. Kallen, Jesper Molin, Claes Lundström et al
Proceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. Vol. 2016-June, p. 1163-1167
Paper in proceeding

Slide navigation patterns among pathologists with long experience of digital review

Jesper Molin, Morten Fjeld, Claudia Mello-Thoms et al
Histopathology. Vol. 67 (2), p. 185-192
Journal article

A comparative study of input devices for digital slide navigation

Jesper Molin, Claes Lundström, Morten Fjeld
Journal of Pathology Informatics. Vol. 6 (7)
Journal article

Feature-enhancing zoom to facilitate Ki-67 hot spot detection

Jesper Molin, K. Shaga Devan, K. Wårdell et al
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 9041
Paper in proceeding

Implementation of large‑scale routine diagnostics using whole slide imaging in Sweden: Digital pathology experiences 2006-2013

Sten Thorstenson, Jesper Molin, Claes Lundström
Journal of Pathology Informatics. Vol. 5 (14)
Journal article

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