Mohsen Karimi

Showing 12 publications


Investigation of the mixing characteristics of industrial flotation columns using computational fluid dynamics

I Mwandawande, S. M. Bradshaw, Mohsen Karimi et al
Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Vol. 122 (5), p. 245-257
Journal article

Towards enhancement of gas–liquid mass transfer in bioelectrochemical systems: Validation of a robust CFD model

Mohsen Karimi, Tove Widén, Yvonne Nygård et al
Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Vol. 118 (10), p. 3953-3961
Journal article

Assessment of pH-responsive nanoparticles performance on laboratory column flotation cell applying a real ore feed

Samiramis Nasirimoghaddam, Ali Mohebbi, Mohsen Karimi et al
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology. Vol. 30 (2), p. 197-205
Journal article

Stochastic simulation of droplet breakup in turbulence

Mohsen Karimi, Ronnie Andersson
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 380
Journal article

Modelling the Dynamics of Granular Particle Interactions in a Vortex Reactor using a Coupled DPM-KTGF Model

Benjamin Oyegbile, G. Akdogan, Mohsen Karimi
South African Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 34, p. 31-46
Journal article

Dual mechanism model for fluid particle breakup in the entire turbulent spectrum

Mohsen Karimi, Ronnie Andersson
AICHE Journal. Vol. 65 (8)
Journal article

The effects of froth depth and impeller speed on gas dispersion properties and metallurgical performance of an industrial self-aerated flotation machine

H. Naghavi, A. Dehghani, Mohsen Karimi
Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Vol. 119 (7), p. 661-669
Journal article

Estimation of flotation rate constant and particle-bubble interactions considering key hydrodynamic parameters and their interrelations

Ahmad Hassanzadeh, Asghar Azizi, Sabri Kouachi et al
Minerals Engineering. Vol. 141
Journal article

Prediction of gas holdup in a column flotation cell using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)

I Mwandawande, G. Akdogan, S. M. Bradshaw et al
Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Vol. 119 (1), p. 81-95
Journal article

Investigation of flow regime transition in a column flotation cell using CFD

I. Mwandawande, G. Akdogan, S. M. Bradshaw et al
Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Vol. 119 (2), p. 173-186
Journal article

An exploratory study on fluid particles breakup rate models for the entire spectrum of turbulent energy

Mohsen Karimi, Ronnie Andersson
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 192, p. 850-863
Journal article

Experimental and cfd studies of the hydrodynamics in wet agglomeration process

Benjamin Oyegbile, G. Akdogan, Mohsen Karimi
ChemEngineering. Vol. 2 (3), p. 1-17
Journal article

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