Peter Möller
Showing 25 publications
A time integration method for simulations of tyre vehicles on flexible bridges
Load Identification Through Structural Modification
Updating Large Finite Element Models in Structural Dynamics
An Approach to the Mode Pairing Problem
Correlation of Large Finite Element Models to Dynamic Test Data
Design of multiple-row bolted composite joints under general in-plane loading
Vehicle/Structure simulations using multibody dynamics and finite element methods
On advancing front mesh generation in three dimensions
High order hierarchical A- and L-stable integration methods
Time integration of convection-diffusion problems by hierarchical functions
Formulation and solution of hierarchical finite element Equations
Formulation and solution of hierarchical finite element Equations
An adaptive procedure for eigenvalue problems using the hierarchical finite element method
An adaptive procedure for eigenvalue problems using the hierarchical finite element method
Formulation and solution of hierarchical finite element equations
An adaptive procedure for eigenvalue problems using the hierarchical finite element method
A study of the hierarchical p-version of the finite element method for static problems
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