Showing 4 publications


Construction delays in Iranian civil engineering projects: An approach to the financial security of construction business

Behzad Abbasnejad, HASHEM IZADI MOUD
Life Science Journal. Vol. 10 (2), p. 2632-2637
Journal article

A hybrid computational approach to estimate solar global radiation: An empirical evidence from Iran

E.S. Mostafavi, S.S. Ramiyani, R. Sarvar et al
Energy. Vol. 49 (1), p. 204-210
Journal article

Factors Affecting Knowledge Transfer in Project Based Organizations

HASHEM IZADI MOUD, Behzad Abbasnejad
11th International Conference of the Asia Chapter & 2nd Conference of the MENA Chapter of the Academy of Human Resource Development & 10th International Conference on Knowledge, Economy and Management, Istanbul TK, 8-10 November 2012
Paper in proceeding

Leadership Functions and Challenges in Virtual Teams - A Review Study

Behzad Abbasnejad, HASHEM IZADI MOUD
Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Construction and Project Management, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 4-5 August 2012
Paper in proceeding

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