Andreas Mørkved Hellenes
Andreas Mørkved Hellenes is a postdoc at the Division of Science, Technology and Society, at the Department of Technology Management and Economics, and an affiliated postdoctoral researcher at Clare Hall College, Cambridge. He is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris (2010) and holds a PhD in History from the same establishment (2019). Dr Mørkved’s main research interests lie in the study of political, cultural, and economic entanglements between the Nordic region and Europe during the 20th-21st centuries. His current research project “A history of non-sustainable integration. High-speed trains, Europeanisation and the failure of the Nordic triangle, 1985-2005” is funded by the Swedish Research Council (2023-2026). The project analyses the ambitions and failures of a sustainable border-crossing transport system, planned to economically integrate Scandinavia into the European Union during the 1980s and 1990s, with comparative outlooks to contemporary projects elsewhere in Europe.

Showing 10 publications
Modelizing the Nordics: transdiscursive migrations of Nordic models, c. 1965-2020
Forum: Scandinavian Internationalist Diplomacy
The Diplomat and the Entrepreneur: Olof Aschberg - Converter of Capital, Trader in Trust
Visions of the Nordic Model in Northern and Southern Europe (1970s–1990s)
Cultural affinity and small-state solidarity. Sweden and global north-south relations in the 1970s
Tracing the Nordic model. French creations, Swedish appropriations and Nordic articulations
‘New Gustavians’. Sweden, Europe and the return of the 18th century during the 1990s crisis
Sweden Goes Global: Francophonie, Palme, and the North-South Dialogue during the Cold War
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Showing 1 research projects