Jenette Mujingni
Jenette Mujingni has a PhD in Maritime Affairs specializing in Maritime Environmental Management and works as a Postdoc Researcher for the Greywater Project at the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences. Her research focuses on assessing the potential environmental impacts of greywater contaminants discharged from ships operating in the Baltic Sea, by sampling and characterizing greywater and analyzing loads of targeted contaminants and their potential hazard if discharged into the sea. Jenetteās research also includes an analysis of the cost and environmental benefits of alternative greywater management scenarios to recommend the most sustainable scenario. Jenette is interested in resource efficiency and circular waste management, researching ways by which biowaste from ships (greywater, blackwater and food waste) could be co-managed to optimize the generation of reusable water, energy and nutrients, and ensure zero-nutrient discharge from ship-generated biowaste into the marine environment.

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