Niklas Engsner

Showing 9 publications


AI Tool for Exploring How Economic Activities Impact Local Ecosystems

Claes Strannegård, Niklas Engsner, Rasmus Lindgren et al
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Vol. 825, p. 690-709
Paper in proceeding

Improved Spectral Norm Regularization for Neural Networks

Anton Johansson, Niklas Engsner, Claes Strannegård et al
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 13890 LNCS, p. 181-201
Paper in proceeding

Slope and Generalization Properties of Neural Networks

Anton Johansson, Niklas Engsner, Claes Strannegård et al
34th Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society, SAIS 2022
Paper in proceeding

Exact spectral norm regularization for neural networks

Anton Johansson, Niklas Engsner, Claes Strannegård et al

Ecosystem Models Based on Artificial Intelligence

Claes Strannegård, Niklas Engsner, Jesper Eisfeldt et al
34th Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society, SAIS 2022
Paper in proceeding

The Ecosystem Path to AGI

Claes Strannegård, Niklas Engsner, Pietro Ferrari et al
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 13154 LNAI, p. 269-278
Paper in proceeding

The Ecosystem Path to General AI

Claes Strannegård, Niklas Engsner, Pietro Ferrari et al

Combining Evolution and Learning in Computational Ecosystems

Claes Strannegård, Wen Xu, Niklas Engsner et al
Journal of Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 11 (1), p. 1-37
Journal article

Evolution and learning in artificial ecosystems

Claes Strannegård, Wen Xu, Niklas Engsner et al
In Proceedings of IJCAI-18 Workshop on Architectures for Generality and Autonomy, 2018
Paper in proceeding

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