Nils Calander

Showing 19 publications


Reduction of photobleaching and photodamage in single molecule detection: observing single actin monomer in skeletal myofibrils

J. Borejdo, P. Muthu, J. Talent et al
Journal of Biomedical Optics. Vol. 13 (3), p. 10-
Journal article

Red blood cells do not attenuate the SPCE fluorescence in surface assays

E. G. Matveeva, I. Gryczynski, A. Barnett et al
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. Vol. 388 (5-6), p. 1127-1135
Journal article

The region ion sensitive field effect transistor, a novel bioelectronic nanosensor

K. Risveden, J. F. Ponten, Nils Calander et al
Biosensors and Bioelectronics. Vol. 22 (12), p. 3105-3112
Journal article

Focused optical beams obtained at planar structures by an imaginary shift in position

Nils Calander
Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision. Vol. 24 (9), p. 2513-2515
Journal article

Long wavelength depolarized light scattering from silver nanoparticles

S. Klitgaard, T. Shtoyko, Nils Calander et al
Chemical Physics Letters. Vol. 443 (1-3), p. 1-5
Journal article

Signal frequency studies of an environmental application of a 65 nm region ion sensitive field effect transistor sensor

K. Risveden, S. Bhand, J. F. Ponten et al
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. Vol. 127 (1), p. 198-203
Journal article

Interference of surface plasmon resonances causes enhanced depolarized light scattering from metal nanoparticles

Nils Calander, I. Gryczynski, Z. Gryczynski
Chemical Physics Letters. Vol. 434 (4-6), p. 326-330
Journal article

Application of surface plasmon coupled emission to study of muscle

J. Borejdo, Z. Gryczynski, Nils Calander et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 91 (7), p. 2626-2635
Journal article

Molecular detection and analysis by using surface plasmon resonances

Nils Calander
Current Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 2 (2), p. 203-211
Journal article

Minimization of detection volume by surface-plasmon-coupled emission

Z. Gryczynski, J. Borejdo, Nils Calander et al
Analytical Biochemistry. Vol. 356 (1), p. 125-131
Journal article

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in surface plasmon coupled emission microscope

J. Borejdo, Nils Calander, Z. Gryczynski et al
Optics Express. Vol. 14 (17), p. 7878-7888
Journal article

Propensity of a circadian clock to adjust to the 24 h day-night light cycle and its sensitivity to molecular noise

Nils Calander
Journal of Theoretical Biology. Vol. 241 (4), p. 716-724
Journal article

Holzel et al. Reply

Ralph Hölzel, Nils Calander, Zackary Chiragwandi et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 96, p. 199802-
Journal article

Directional two-photon induced surface plasmon-coupled emission

I. Gryczynski, J Malicka, JR Lakowicz et al
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 491 (1-2), p. 173-176
Journal article

Surface plasmon-coupled emission and fabry - Perot resonance in the sample layer: A theoretical approach

Nils Calander
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 109 (29), p. 13957-13963
Journal article

Trapping Single Molecules by Dielectrophoresis

Ralph Hölzel, Nils Calander, Zackary Chiragwandi et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 95, p. 128102-
Journal article

Optical electromagnetic wave generator

Spartak Gevorgian, Nils Calander, Mats Karlsson et al

The generalized-kinetics-based equilibrium distribution function for composite particles

Nicola Bellomo, Nils Calander, Eugen Mamontov et al
Comptes Rendus - Mecanique. Vol. 331 (7), p. 461-467
Journal article

Optical electromagnetic wave generator

Spartak Gevorgian, Nils Calander, Mats Karlsson et al
Patent application

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