Nils Calander
Showing 19 publications
Red blood cells do not attenuate the SPCE fluorescence in surface assays
The region ion sensitive field effect transistor, a novel bioelectronic nanosensor
Focused optical beams obtained at planar structures by an imaginary shift in position
Long wavelength depolarized light scattering from silver nanoparticles
Application of surface plasmon coupled emission to study of muscle
Molecular detection and analysis by using surface plasmon resonances
Minimization of detection volume by surface-plasmon-coupled emission
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in surface plasmon coupled emission microscope
Directional two-photon induced surface plasmon-coupled emission
Trapping Single Molecules by Dielectrophoresis
Optical electromagnetic wave generator
The generalized-kinetics-based equilibrium distribution function for composite particles
Optical electromagnetic wave generator
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