Neda Najafinobar

Showing 15 publications


Correlative High-Resolution Imaging of Iron Uptake in Lung Macrophages

Jelena Lovric, Neda Najafinobar, Michael Kurczy et al
Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 94 (37), p. 12798-12806
Journal article

Subcellular Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Absolute Quantitative Analysis across Organelles

Aurélien Thomen, Neda Najafinobar, Florent Penen et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 14 (4), p. 4316-4325
Journal article

ToF-SIMS mediated analysis of human lung tissue reveals increased iron deposition in COPD (GOLD IV) patients

Neda Najafinobar, Shalini Venkatesan, Lena von Sydow et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 9 (1)
Journal article

DMSO Chemically Alters Cell Membranes to Slow Exocytosis and Increase the Fraction of Partial Transmitter Released

Soodabeh Majdi, Neda Najafinobar, Johan Dunevall et al
ChemBioChem. Vol. 18 (19), p. 1898-1902
Journal article

Lithographic Microfabrication of a 16-Electrode Array on a Probe Tip for High Spatial Resolution Electrochemical Localization of Exocytosis

Joakim Wigström, Johan Dunevall, Neda Najafinobar et al
Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 88 (4), p. 2080-2087
Journal article

On the mechanism of electrochemical vesicle cytometry: chromaffin cell vesicles and liposomes

Jelena Lovric, Neda Najafinobar, Johan Dunevall et al
Faraday Discussions. Vol. 193, p. 65-79
Journal article

Excited Fluorophores Enhance the Opening of Vesicles at Electrode Surfaces in Vesicle Electrochemical Cytometry

Neda Najafinobar, Jelena Lovric, Soodabeh Majdi et al
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. Vol. 55 (48), p. 15081-15085
Journal article

Cholesterol Alters the Dynamics of Release in Protein Independent Cell Models for Exocytosis

Neda Najafinobar, Lisa Mellander, Michael Kurczy et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 6 (Article number: 33702)
Journal article

The Effect of Excited Fluorophore on Vesicle Fusion at the Surface of the Electrode

Neda Najafinobar, Johan Dunevall, Jelena Lovric et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 108 (2), p. 239A-239A
Other conference contribution

Characterizing the Catecholamine Content of Single Mammalian Vesicles by Collision-Adsorption Events at an Electrode

Johan Dunevall, Hoda Mashadi Fathali, Neda Najafinobar et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 137 (13), p. 4344-4346
Journal article

Two modes of exocytosis in an artificial cell

Lisa Mellander, Michael Kurczy, Neda Najafinobar et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 4, p. (article nr.) 3847-
Journal article

Using a Cell Model to Study the Effect of Cholesterol on Exocytosis

Neda Najafinobar, L. Mellander, Michael Kurczy et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 106 (2), p. 628A-628A
Magazine article

Artficial Cell Model to Study Neurochemical Release

Neda Najafinobar
Licentiate thesis

Composition Based Strategies for Controlling Radii in Lipid Nanotubes

Michael Kurczy, Lisa Mellander, Neda Najafinobar et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 9 (1), p. e81293-
Journal article

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