Lene Nordrum

Showing 20 publications


Eriksson, A & Nordrum, L. 2016. Data Commentary in Science Writing: perceptions and strategies within disciplines.

Andreas Eriksson, Lene Nordrum
International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference (IWAC), June 23-25
Other conference contribution

How to Make Believe: The Fictional Truths of the Representational Arts

Lene Nordrum, J. Alexander Bareis
Edited book

Data commentary in science writing: Using a small, specialized corpus for formative self-assessment practices

Andreas Eriksson, Lene Nordrum
Studies in Corpus Linguistics. Vol. 70, p. 59-83
Book chapter


Lene Nordrum
How to Make Believe: The Fictional Truths of the Representational Arts, p. 1-11
Book chapter

Data commentary in science writing: a discourse model of multimodal result presentation in chemical engineering research papers

Lene Nordrum, Andreas Eriksson
The 2014 annual conference of The American Association of Applied Linguistics, Portland, USA, 22-25 March
Other conference contribution

Data Commentary in Science Writing: A Discourse Model for Multimodal Result Presentation in Science Publication

Lene Nordrum, Andreas Eriksson
Languages for Specific Purposes Conference, Stockholm, June 12-14
Conference poster

Agens i medisindiskurs - en kontrastiv analyse av to norske og to svenske forskningsartikler i medisin

Lene Nordrum
Text- och samtalsstudier från Södertörns högskola, Vol 2. Vol. 2
Paper in proceeding

Investigating different types of criteria-based assessment through student data: towards optimization of assessment designs

Lene Nordrum, Magnus Gustafsson, Katherine Evans
The 2013 Swedish symposium for LSP/LAP: Investigating relationships between teaching, learning, and research, Göteborg, Sweden, 16-17 January
Other conference contribution

Comparing student learning experiences of in-text commentary and rubric-articulated feedback: strategies for formative assessment

Lene Nordrum, Katherine Evans, Magnus Gustafsson
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. Vol. 38 (8), p. 919-940
Journal article

Data commentary in science writing: a corpus-based comparison of research articles and master’s theses in technical fields for formative self-assessment practices

Lene Nordrum, Andreas Eriksson
ICAME 34 English corpus linguistics on the move: Applications and implications, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 22-26 May
Other conference contribution

Data commentary in science writing: a corpus-based comparison of research articles and master’s theses in technical fields for formative self-assessment practices

Lene Nordrum, Andreas Eriksson
Learner Corpus Research, Bergen, Norway, 27-29 September
Other conference contribution

The ergative perspective in contrast: the rhetorical function of the ergative perspective in English, Norwegian and Swedish research articles in medicine

Lene Nordrum
The 33rd international ICAME conference, Leuven, Belgium, 30 May - 3 June
Other conference contribution

Ergative verb i norske medisinartikler

Lene Nordrum
Sjunde Nordiska SFL-Workshoppen, Södertörns Högskola, Huddinge, Sverige, 17-18 November
Other conference contribution

A Review of Introducing Arguments - Linda Pylkkänen

Lene Nordrum
Linguistics and the Human Sciences. Vol. 2008 (4:2), p. 215-218
Magazine article

Norwegian and Swedish translations of English ergative verbs - an exploratory study

Lene Nordrum
ICAME 32 Trends and Traditions in English Corpus Linguistics, Oslo, Norway,1-5 June,
Other conference contribution


Lene Nordrum
NJES: Nordic Journal of English Studies. Vol. 6 (1)
Magazine article

Adverbial eller adledd? En sammenligning av beskrivelsene av adverbial supplementive clauses I CGEL og frie predikativer I SAG og NRG

Lene Nordrum
Att använda SAG : 29 uppsatser om Svenska Akademiens grammatik
Book chapter

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Showing 1 research projects


Agent omission in English Academic Writing

Lene Nordrum Language and Communication
Riksbankens jubileumsfond

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