Anthony Norman

Instructor at Language and Communication image

Showing 6 publications


Intercultural group work: engaging diversity to enhance learning in an integrated engineering master's project course

Lena Peterson, Becky Bergman, Anthony Norman
Other conference contribution

Making the culturally diverse classroom work: Activities for successful groups

Becky Bergman, Anthony Norman
SEFI 47th Annual Conference: Varietas Delectat... Complexity is the New Normality, Proceedings. Vol. 2019, p. 2036-2038
Paper in proceeding

NB!Write: Crossing boundaries to create resilient writing programs

Randi Stebbins, Djuddah Leijen, Asko Kauppinen et al
Other conference contribution

The Writing Center in the Writing Program - Peer Tutoring Across Disciplines and Languages

Carl Johan Carlsson, Magnus Gustafsson, Anthony Norman
Writing Centers at the Center of Change, p. 85-105
Book chapter

Integration activities in the culturally diverse classroom: crossing the divide

Becky Bergman, Björn Kjellgren, Anthony Norman
Other conference contribution

Intercultural competence for all students: how prepared are our students for the global workplace?

Becky Bergman, Carl Johan Carlsson, Anthony Norman
Other conference contribution

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