Ola Nordblom

Showing 7 publications


Blandning och omsättning i dricksvattenreservoarer

Ola Nordblom, Olle Ljunggren

Initiation of Stagnation in Drinking Water Storage Tanks

Ola Nordblom, Lars Bergdahl
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. Vol. 130 (1), p. 49-57
Journal article

Mixing and Stagnation in Drinking Water Storage Tanks

Ola Nordblom
Doctoral thesis

Simulation of mixing in axisymmetric service reservoirs with denser inflow

Ola Nordblom
Advances in Water Supply Management, Proc. of the International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, 15-17 Sept, London, UK, p. 339-348
Paper in proceeding

Håll god fart på jetstrålen

Ola Nordblom, Olle Ljunggren
Svenskt Vatten. Vol. 2003 (2), p. 12-13
Magazine article

Simulation of Mixing Conditions in Cylindrical Water Reservoirs

Ola Nordblom
Scandinavian Fluent User Group Meeting, October 1-2, Göteborg, Sweden
Other conference contribution

Tänk på vattenomsättningen i högreservoarerna

Ola Nordblom, Olle Ljunggren
VAV-Nytt. Vol. 2000 (4), p. 18-19
Magazine article

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