Oluwatoyin Omojola

Showing 13 publications


2D CFD simulations of flow and reaction during carbon dioxide methanation: A spatially resolved channel plate reactor study

Oluwatoyin Omojola, Lars Davidson
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 282
Journal article

The effect of Si/Al ratio on local and nanoscale water diffusion in H-ZSM-5: A quasielastic neutron scattering and molecular dynamics simulation study

A. J. Porter, S. L. McHugh, Oluwatoyin Omojola et al
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. Vol. 348
Journal article

Site-specific scaling relations observed during methanol-to-olefin conversion over ZSM-5 catalysts

Oluwatoyin Omojola
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 251
Journal article

A quantitative multiscale perspective on primary olefin formation from methanol

Oluwatoyin Omojola, Andrew Logsdail, Andre van Veen et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 23 (38), p. 21437-21469
Journal article

Towards Experimental Handbooks in Catalysis

Annette Trunschke, Guilia Bellini, Maxime Boniface et al
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 63 (19-20), p. 1683-1699
Journal article

Competitive adsorption of oxygenates and aromatics during the initial steps of the formation of primary olefins over ZSM-5 catalysts

Oluwatoyin Omojola, Andre van Veen
Catalysis Communications. Vol. 140
Journal article

Molecular behaviour of methanol and dimethyl ether in H-ZSM-5 catalysts as a function of Si/Al ratio: a quasielastic neutron scattering study

Oluwatoyin Omojola, Ian Silverwood, Alexander O'Malley
Catalysis Science and Technology. Vol. 10 (13), p. 4305-4320
Journal article

Influence of Precursors on the Induction Period and Transition Regime of Dimethyl Ether Conversion to Hydrocarbons over ZSM-5 Catalysts

Oluwatoyin Omojola, Dmitry Lukyanov, Nikolay Cherkasov et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 58 (36), p. 16479-16488
Journal article

Transient kinetic studies and microkinetic modeling of primary olefin formation from dimethyl ether over ZSM-5 catalysts

Oluwatoyin Omojola, Dmitry Lukyanov, Andre van Veen
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. Vol. 51 (7), p. 528-537
Journal article

Zeolite minilith: A unique structured catalyst for the methanol to gasoline process

Oluwatoyin Omojola, Nikolay Cherkasov, Evgeny Rebrov et al
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification. Vol. 131, p. 137-143
Journal article

Mechanistic Insights into the Desorption of Methanol and Dimethyl Ether Over ZSM-5 Catalysts

Oluwatoyin Omojola, Nikolay Cherkasov, Andrew McNab et al
Catalysis Letters. Vol. 148 (1), p. 474-488
Journal article

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